Wall Mounting Squeezy Professional Wringing Machines Mtm Hydro. Weight 10 kg. Car Wash use.
Wall Mounting Squeezy Professional Wringing Machines Mtm Hydro. Weight 10 kg. Car Wash use.
Wire Spiral Hose Professional Mtm Hydro. Lenght 12 m. Car Wash Use
High Pressure Cleaners Coils professional Mtm Hydro made of Steel or Stainless Steel. Particular coil winding system which increases the resistance and strength of the coil by reducing the number of weldings. Availability of various fitting types. Possibility to add to the spiral various parts according to the customer's needs, I.E. side spacers, bands, ends, as well as threaded terminals that can have different connections. Diameter and Lenght are adaptable to any requirement. Possibility to customize the type plate of each coil.
Vacuum Bin 70 l with Automatic Cleaning Professional Mtm Hydro. Car Wash Use
The Complete Range of Professional Brush Holders MTM Hydro that are part of the High Pressure Technology line
Brush Holder Professional Mtm Hydro made of Stainless Steel (AISI 430). Wall and Floor Mount. Brush Holder for Car Wash Line.