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MTM HYDRO, always attentive and close to all the problems that affect our country, has decided to take the field in a concrete way and to give a hand

The Coronavirus Emergency of these last few weeks has put us all in front of new needs and needs to be able to face and live with this Virus

Protective medical suits, gloves and many other individual safety devices are essential, as is the hand sanitizing gel which, with the reopening of activities after the lockdown, has become a protection and safety system to be positioned at the entrance of the shops to amplify and promote the practice of hand sanitation, vehicles from which viruses and bacteria can be taken and passed.

MTM HYDRO, always attentive and close to all the problems that affect our country, has decided to take the field in a concrete way and to give a hand

We have converted a part of our production to the realization of floor columns for hand sanitizing gel

The MTM HYDRO columns are in pre-painted aluminum, resistant and long lasting. Thanks to their great flexibility, they allow you to mount different types of regulators, adjusting the support shelf and allowing easy hand hygiene, as well as offering the possibility of adding a second glove shelf..

Our sanitizing gel holder columns are suitable for indoor and outdoor use (possibility of staffing them) and are ideal for commercial activities, shops, reception, industries, offices, car washes, ...

Keeping your hands clean always and everywhere is a safety towards your own health but also a duty towards that of others. Having a column for the sanitizing gel is an excellent system to prevent possible new infections and protect people's health.


CONTACT US for more information on PILLAR, the new floor stand for MTM HYDRO hand sanitizing gel: write to us info@mtmhydro.it


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